

Parsers are reconfigure.parsers.BaseParser subclasses which transform raw config content into node trees and vice versa

Making your own parser is as easy as subclassing reconfigure.parsers.BaseParser and overriding parse and stringify methods.


Includers are used to handle the “include” directives in config files. Includers assemble the config file by finding the included files and parsing them and attaching them to the node tree of the main config. Reconfigure keeps track of which node belongs to which file by setting origin attribute on the included nodes

Example of includer in action:

>>> from reconfigure.parsers import *
>>> from reconfigure.includers import *
>>> parser = IniFileParser()
>>> includer = SupervisorIncluder(parser)
>>> nodes = parser.parse(open('/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf').read())
>>> print nodes
                file = /var/run//supervisor.sock ((the path to the socket file))
                chmod = 0700 (sockef file mode (default 0700))
                logfile = /var/log/supervisor/supervisord.log ((main log file;default $CWD/supervisord.log))
                pidfile = /var/run/ ((supervisord pidfile;default
                childlogdir = /var/log/supervisor (('AUTO' child log dir, default $TEMP))
                supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supervisor.rpcinterface:make_main_rpcinterface
                serverurl = unix:///var/run//supervisor.sock (use a unix:// URL  for a unix socket)
                files = /etc/supervisor/conf.d/*.conf

Note the “include” node in the end. Now we’ll run an includer over this tree:

>>> nodes = includer.compose('/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf', nodes)
>>> print nodes
                file = /var/run//supervisor.sock ((the path to the socket file))
                chmod = 0700 (sockef file mode (default 0700))
                logfile = /var/log/supervisor/supervisord.log ((main log file;default $CWD/supervisord.log))
                pidfile = /var/run/ ((supervisord pidfile;default
                childlogdir = /var/log/supervisor (('AUTO' child log dir, default $TEMP))
                supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supervisor.rpcinterface:make_main_rpcinterface
                serverurl = unix:///var/run//supervisor.sock (use a unix:// URL  for a unix socket)
        <include> /etc/supervisor/conf.d/*.conf
                command = cat

Note how the include directive has turned into a junction point (reconfigure.nodes.IncludeNode) and content of included files was parsed and attached.

Calling decompose method will split the tree back into separate files:

>>> includer.decompose(nodes)
    '/etc/supervisor/conf.d/1.conf': <reconfigure.nodes.RootNode object at 0x2c5cf10>,
    '/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf': <reconfigure.nodes.RootNode object at 0x2c5cb50>

Writing your own includer

If you’re up to writing a custom includer, take a look at reconfigure.includers.AutoIncluder. It already implements the tree-walking and attachment logic, so you only need to implement two methods:

  • is_include(node): should check if the node is an include directive for this file format, and if it is, return a glob (wildcard) or path to the included files
  • remove_include(include_node): given an reconfigure.nodes.IncludeNode, should transform it back into file-format-specific include directive and return it (as a node tree chunk)


Builders transform node trees into data trees.

To write your own builder, subclass and override build and unbuild methods.

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