Components ********** .. _parser: Parsers ======= Parsers are :class:`reconfigure.parsers.BaseParser` subclasses which transform :ref:`raw config content ` into :ref:`node trees ` and vice versa Making your own parser is as easy as subclassing :class:`reconfigure.parsers.BaseParser` and overriding ``parse`` and ``stringify`` methods. .. _includer: Includers ========= Includers are used to handle the "include" directives in config files. Includers assemble the config file by finding the included files and parsing them and attaching them to the :ref:`node tree ` of the main config. Reconfigure keeps track of which node belongs to which file by setting ``origin`` attribute on the included nodes Example of includer in action: >>> from reconfigure.parsers import * >>> from reconfigure.includers import * >>> parser = IniFileParser() >>> includer = SupervisorIncluder(parser) >>> nodes = parser.parse(open('/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf').read()) >>> print nodes (None) (unix_http_server) file = /var/run//supervisor.sock ((the path to the socket file)) chmod = 0700 (sockef file mode (default 0700)) (supervisord) logfile = /var/log/supervisor/supervisord.log ((main log file;default $CWD/supervisord.log)) pidfile = /var/run/ ((supervisord pidfile;default childlogdir = /var/log/supervisor (('AUTO' child log dir, default $TEMP)) (rpcinterface:supervisor) supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supervisor.rpcinterface:make_main_rpcinterface (supervisorctl) serverurl = unix:///var/run//supervisor.sock (use a unix:// URL for a unix socket) (include) files = /etc/supervisor/conf.d/*.conf Note the "include" node in the end. Now we'll run an includer over this tree:: >>> nodes = includer.compose('/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf', nodes) >>> print nodes (None) (unix_http_server) file = /var/run//supervisor.sock ((the path to the socket file)) chmod = 0700 (sockef file mode (default 0700)) (supervisord) logfile = /var/log/supervisor/supervisord.log ((main log file;default $CWD/supervisord.log)) pidfile = /var/run/ ((supervisord pidfile;default childlogdir = /var/log/supervisor (('AUTO' child log dir, default $TEMP)) (rpcinterface:supervisor) supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supervisor.rpcinterface:make_main_rpcinterface (supervisorctl) serverurl = unix:///var/run//supervisor.sock (use a unix:// URL for a unix socket) /etc/supervisor/conf.d/*.conf (program:test) command = cat Note how the include directive has turned into a junction point (:class:`reconfigure.nodes.IncludeNode`) and content of included files was parsed and attached. Calling ``decompose`` method will split the tree back into separate files: >>> includer.decompose(nodes) { '/etc/supervisor/conf.d/1.conf': , '/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf': } Writing your own includer ------------------------- If you're up to writing a custom includer, take a look at :class:`reconfigure.includers.AutoIncluder`. It already implements the tree-walking and attachment logic, so you only need to implement two methods: * ``is_include(node)``: should check if the ``node`` is an include directive for this file format, and if it is, return a glob (wildcard) or path to the included files * ``remove_include(include_node)``: given an :class:`reconfigure.nodes.IncludeNode`, should transform it back into file-format-specific include directive and return it (as a :ref:`node tree ` chunk) .. _builder: Builders ======== Builders transform :ref:`node trees ` into :ref:`data trees `. To write your own builder, subclass :class:`` and override ``build`` and ``unbuild`` methods.